The Official Site for BLMorticia's Metal Erotic Series!


Read The Wretched Series and Hirah!



Read the Wretched Tales and Hirah Blaze

Here are the blurbs and links down below

The Wretched Tales

From Book One – After years of playing in bands that didn’t make a splash, Corey Patrick has finally achieved his dream. He is the new bassist for the popular heavy metal group, The Wretched.

Only one problem, he’s pansexual, and believes that outing himself will destroy his new opportunity. Will that happen or will his new bandmates accept the fact he’s queer?

Experience this young man’s adventures, sexual or otherwise, on this wild ride we know as heavy metal stardom.

This the first collection of stories for The Wretched Tales. Books must be read in order.

Hirah Blaze 1

Blurb: If you want somethin’ real bad, you gotta work harder than everyone else.
My grandma was right about that. I did want to be the best damn guitarist. Not the best female guitarist or the best black female guitarist. The best fucking guitarist on the planet. Although Sarge and Diabolical Plan had given me the initial opportunity to show off my chops, I couldn’t be what I wanted to be with my ex-boyfriend steering the ship. I had to be the captain of my destiny. I had to be the one taking the lead.

Five months into it and I’m still pinching myself over this. Me, the little black goth girl from Milwaukee, along with Corey, Bryan Taylor, Nicolai Zander and the new guy on bass named Chad Stephenson. 

Have I mentioned that Chad is hot as hell? 

More about that later. 

This is a spinoff of The Wretched Tales with new guitarist Hirah Blaze. She’s kicking ass and taking names, looking to become the metal world’s newest guitar goddess, but will she get sidetracked by The Wretched’s gorgeous new bass player?

Hirah Blaze 2

Blurb: This man had me.
Oh God, he had me in a freaking tizzy. 
I want Chad.
I want Chad Stephenson.
I want him in my bed.
I want him now before we go on this stage.
Oh shit.
I am such a goner. 
I am off the deep end now.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
I’m supposed to be all about fucking world domination with my guitar, not obsessing over my hotter-than-hell bass player.

It’s show time for The Wretched. We’re about to go on tour and I’m stoked to be onstage in front of thousands. However, I can’t get a certain someone off my mind. Hot bassist, Chad Stephenson has become my crack and I’m happily addicted. 
This is a spinoff of The Wretched Tales with new guitarist Hirah Blaze. She’s kicking ass and taking names, looking to become the metal world’s newest guitar goddess!

Hirah Blaze 3

Hirah – I’m about ready to stake my claim to superstardom and I want to bring Chad with me. At this stage, we’re all about making The Wretched better as a tandem, and having some fun along the way. Still, Chad doesn’t appear ready to move forward and this is pissing me the hell off. This was why I’d refused to commit to anyone because of shit like this. How can we be metals new power couple if Chad was slamming on the brakes?

Chad – For the last few months, Hirah and I have rode the merry go round between bandmates and friends. Our fellow members had done everything to throw us together, and even with those moments, we had yet to take full advantage. 

Despite the attraction to her, I still can’t get a certain somebody out of my mind. And, I know if I want something real with Hirah, I need to forget about it. A hard thing to do when it feels so damn good, but I know if I want her, I need to drop that other piece or I’ll lose the chance of being Hirah’s soulmate. 

This is a spinoff of The Wretched Tales with new guitarist Hirah Blaze. She’s kicking ass and taking names, looking to become the metal world’s newest guitar goddess, but will she get sidetracked by The Wretched’s gorgeous new bass player?

This is the final book in the Hirah Blaze Series. All books must be read in order

Release Day for Starf*cked!

New release in the Metalrotica universe!

BLMorticia Erotica With Snark

starfucked_final-2Happy release day to me! WOOT

It’s Starf*cked time. 

Thanks to everyone who pre-ordered the story. I hope you enjoy it.

Make sure to leave a review!

Blurb: Some skeletons are better left in the closet. 

Steven Sharpe is on the road to recovery. After boozing, drugging, and sex with just about anything that moved, he’s making a comeback. Age is only a number, right? Why should he hang up his mic and guitar at thirty-seven when hard rock music needs a shot in the arm? And with his powerful voice, Steven figures he’ll have no problem regaining the adulation he once embraced as the lead singer of StarHaze. 

Despite all the crazy, fun times from back in the day, one night will forever be emblazoned in his mind—the moment he fucked up his chance at love. 

Driven and determined, Noah James is quickly climbing the corporate ladder. At twenty-eight…

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Hirah Gets a Facelift!

Hirah gets a NEW LOOK!

BLMorticia Erotica With Snark

I’m so stoked about the new covers for Hirah Blaze!

Aren’t they GORGEOUS?

I loved the old ones too, but these are a lot more bombass because we get to see that sexy man in the corner on the front!


Yeah, I’m really happy with how Shar’s BFF did these. I love the colors, even though I’m not the biggest pink fan. Still, they are gorgeous and Shar is putting them back in Kindle Unlimited. I really hope you’ll pick them up!


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Titillating Tuesday – NEW MUSE

Hot new muse!

BLMorticia Erotica With Snark

BarisAri11 Baris Ari PICTURE NOT MINE


The interwebs are wonderful for finding new muses. 

Look at this sexy morsel? He has rockstar written all over him. Just look at his tats?

Uh, yeah, I’m stalking!


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Hey dudes and dudettes!

It’s been a super long ass time since we updated this page!

BL is really busy and will be writing some rock stories in November. She will be trying to get them in with a publisher, but there is also more Metalrotica stuff planned in the coming year!

A redo of the Wretched is on the horizon as well as more books from the characters. Bryan needs a book as does, Deborah and Trey. Not together either. *grins*

Just be patient. In the meantime, Hirah will be getting a facelift. We had to put sexy ass Chad on the cover so more people will want to read the story. Shar’s BFF is working on that as we speak, so please look out for that.

In the meantime, check out BL’s newest release. Boxset for Under the Gun 3. 

Read about it here!

RELEASE DAY Blazing Trails with Hirah Blaze Book 3

Hirah Blaze book 3 is FINALLY OUT!

BLMorticia Erotica With Snark

Well, it’s finally out folks! My third book in the Hirah Blaze series!

Now you can find out exactly what happened with Chad and Hirah as they continue to tour with The Wretched. I’ll share an excerpt on Saturday Sips!

Right now, it is only at Amazon, but I’ll be loading all three on to the other retailers ASAP

Amazon Buylink

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BL Updates

BL is trying to WORK

BLMorticia Erotica With Snark

Hirah  Okay. Now I know how Michael felt when I took over the head. GEEZ. I’m chomping at the bit to write and Michael is in the middle of another story and about to start another. God, will I ever get done with UTG? I dunno. I suppose when the others fall out Kindle Unlimited, which is another reason for my post.


So, I have UTG and Hirah coming out of KU by the end of August. I’d love for both stories to be done and available. Hirah is done and just needs edits, but as I said, UTG is still being worked on. We’re hoping to finish that in a couple of weeks. Then, it ill be released by Late August/Early September.

What I’m positive of is Hirah since she is done. We’ll be sending it to the editor and releasing it just in time for all the books…

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Hey peeps

Sexy legs and ass pose by fit young african model Hey dudes and dudettes! Yes, I know it’s been a minute since I posted on here. Why you ask? Well, a couple of things. Number one, Shar has been busy. Since the last time I posted, Shar has finished like 4 books since then or is it five? WHO KNOWS!

Number two, it gets tiring to look for new videos to post as well. I mean, there are a lot out there, but I have a very small window for what I like. 

So, we’re going to try updating with pics and talk about books, music, etc. Should have a lot coming up. This weekend, we’re going to Open Air in Chicago. The list of bands is killer! Kiss, Ozzy, Meshuggah, Metal Church, Body, Count, Amon Amarth. Fuck, just listing those few gave me a major boner! COA2017-Admat-FINAL-mid-1


So of course once that’s done I’ll come back with a full report. I’ve read a couple of rockstar romances since then too. And of course, Miss Hirah still has a book left to be released. Shar has put it on hold for now because the books are in Kindle Unlimited and the first one won’t be out until August. So, in the meantime, please catch up with the Wretched Series as well as Hirah from these links. 

The Wretched Series

Hirah Blaze

I’ll still post some videos from time to time, just not every week.

Lastly, in the time I’ve been on hiatus, we lost Chris Cornell! 


You just don’t know how much this crushed me. He was one of my all time favorite vocalists and Soundgarden was one of my favorite bands. I have something I jotted down into a blogpost that I couldn’t put up back then because I was too sad to do it. Now, I can since it isn’t so fresh. 

Still cannot believe he’s gone, but hey, his music lives on!

Wednesday Wind Up

I dig the video.

Its all gross and metal and shit

The song…

Meh, it’s okay I guess.

Give me the old days of Korn any day!